Friday, February 27, 2009

little bits

my kid bit me, so i bit her back and she laughed at me. ok so this is going to be a harder habit then i thought.

BFN.... yes i am still 9 days out, so there is hope but but the Dollar Tree tests are too hard to resist, so i wasted one test this cycle. sue me.

Taking Charge of You Fertility has been shipped, I hope it arrives soon i am ready to delve in the pages.

hairy amazons and ugly people

Families are a funny thing. At least in terms of Step Parents. Take my DH's Step Mother for example. She has a voice like a pterodactyl and is almost 7 foot tall. And the First of the two times i have had the displeasure of meeting her she wore a mini skirt and it looked like she had never in her life shaved her damn legs. Anyway DH comes and tells me tonight that he was talking to his mom and his sister, and i guess his sister went off of her, in my head i am going yes! His sister just takes her crap usually and does not say boo to the wall.
And the Step Mother saved me and DH all kinds of trouble in the future, because she has decided to disown both DH and his sister. Keep in mind that DH was not a part of this conversation. And had no idea until yesterday that it had taken place. And now he keeps asking me what i would have said. I am a tiny bit sad that i can't get my snark on with this women. She treats his dad like total crap and uses the kid as a reason to make him keep coming back. He has left her 4 times in the last 6 months.

My DH is going to hell, because i guess one of the threats was that no one was getting anymore pics of the kid. Well DH's response was "i don't want photos of ugly kids in my house anyway"
pretty sure that lands him prime real estate.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

my uterus and i are not speaking

this cannot be happening

did you ever just wake up and go, "this is not my life?" or "this cannot be happening." I woke up like that this morning. i think it was just the overwhelming list of chores and tasks that i have to get done in the next few days. Along with going to see my dad, who is undergoing both radiation and chemotherapy at the same time. Sometimes i feel like there are just not enough hours in a day anymore. I work ten to twelve hours, Monday Wednesday and Saturday, and the rest of the time i have the munchkin, and spend my days with her, and trying so hard to get my house clean and that is just not working at this stage. the munchkin is just so needy with her teeth coming in, and she hasn't been feeling well. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she is not sick on Sunday when i make the trip to see my parents, otherwise we can't go.

I need to put the computer down, it has so much to do with my domestic failures.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So after checking out my chart this cycle i decided i need help. I know next to nothing about charting and my fertility. So i did what i do i ordered a book. I am confused by my chart.

Any pros and cons with this book? i need all the help i can get.

Chick Lit is the Devil

I realized when i finished that book, that i am one of those weird people that have absolutely no love for chick lit. I had a hard time getting into this book, i started it it twice before i finally forced myself to finish it. I am not sure if i just became a book snob since i had my daughter, i think it is just that it is harder for me to find time to read now that i am going to start being more picky about the books i choose. They characters were just silly and they were not lovable at all.

Parenting Lessons!

1. Munchkin thinks it's funny to stand anywhere and take of her pants.
2. She thinks Kitty's are Pull Toys
3. No means give you this evil sideways grin, shes totally plotting something
4. The jumperoo is unimportant once were mobile.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project 52 Week Seven

radical honesty

The Hubs and I practice this thing called radical honesty, that and never spending enough time together i think is the cornerstone of our awesome marriage. In which we watch way to much reality TV. Well to be radically honest my house is a mess. Between welcoming a baby into our already chaotic lives, the 13 hour work days, and the urge to not put our daughter in day care, we have slowly realized that our house is a mess. My once meticulous cleaning schedule i followed daily, has since fallen very far to the way side. So in an effort to make my house what it used to be, or as close to it as i can with a almost toddler. I am going to implement the 15 minuet clean ups. Ideally, that will make my house presentable on a daily basis and i won't find myself running around in desperation trying to make everything look great, in a very short amount of time. So on a daily basis we can all rooms of our house in less than two hours. Here's hoping. I may also re evaluate my cleaning schedule and make it more toddler and pregnancy friendly (crossing my fingers on the pregnancy).

Friday, February 20, 2009


So i am new to this whole charting thing, so i and still trying to figure things out. But i really want to have another baby, so hopefully it does not take three years. So this is the first cycle i am attempting to chart. If anyone has any helpful tips i'll take it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Project 52 Week Six

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Project 52 Week Five

Birthday Flowers always smell better

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What it All Means

2WW - Two-week wait until time to take pregnancy test (approximately 14 days after ovulation)
AF - Aunt Flo (menstruation)
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby Dance (baby making sex)
BFN - Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result)
BFPB - Big Fat Positive Buddy

CBEFM - Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor
CD - Cycle day
CM - Cervical Mucus
DH - Dear/Darling Husband
DPO - Days past ovulation
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus
FM - Fertility Monitor
FMU - First morning urine
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
LP - Luteal phase
O - Ovulation
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
PG - Pregnancy or Pregnant
PNV - Prenatal vitamin
POAS - Pee On A Stick
RE - Reproductive EndocrinologistS/A - Sperm/semen analysis
TCOYF - Taking Charge of Your Fertility (book)
TTC - Trying To Conceive